Organizations in Our Area
- Bard Office of Sustainability – Bard College
- BOCES Center for Sustainability & Climate Education
- Cary Institute
- Department of Environmental Conservation/Norrie Point
- Four Corners Farm
- Gansvoort Farm
- Greig Farm
- Interact Club
- JSA Sustainable Wealth Management
- National Science Foundation
- Oceans 8
- Riverkeeper
- Scenic Hudson
- Suncommon
- Sustainable Hudson Valley
- The Earth’s Tomorrow Foundation
- The O Zone
- Upstate Films
- Winnakee Land Trust
How Climate Change Affects the Hudson Valley by Emma Deans in Hudson Valley magazine
The River Newsroom’s Climate Lab, dedicated to original reporting and analysis on how the climate crisis is changing the Hudson Valley and Catskills region, including:
- With Flooding on the Rise, Hudson Valley Superfund Sites Are at Risk by Barbara Reina
- Public Power Has Albany Rattled by Lissa Harris
Common Dreams’ Environment Beat
New Yorker articles about the climate, including:
- How Did Fighting Climate Change Become a Partisan Issue? by Elizabeth Kolbert
- What Should a Nine-Thousand-Pound Electric Vehicle Sound Like? by John Seabrook
Swamps Can Protect Against Climate Change, If We Only Let Them by Annie Proulx
- The Energy Transition Is in Full Swing. It’s Not Happening Fast Enough by Justin Worland in Time
- To Fight Climate Change, Environmentalists May Have to Give Up a Core Belief by Shannon Osaka in the Washington Post

Videos, Podcasts, and Talks
- Youth v. Gov – Free screening for students at Upstate Films – September 22nd, 5:30pm.
- Underwriting for this documentary screening was generously provided through a grant from Rhinebeck Science Foundation. It was created with the support of Sarah Wheeler, RHS English Teacher and Department Chair. All RCSD students and their families will enjoy FREE ADMISSION! Day of screening, admission will be first come first served. Reserve tickets now!
- Through Our Eyes
- Through Our Eyes spotlights the perspectives of children as they experience some of the most challenging issues facing families today, including climate displacement – in four 30-minute films designed for adults and as a co-viewing experience for kids ages 9 and older. Streaming on HBO Max.
- The Brian Lehrer Show’s Climate Story of the Week
- Topics include making solar power more accessible for house and apartment dwellers alike, the climate bill, a 70-day drought affecting nearly 1 billion people in the Yangtze Valley in China, greenwashing, and more.
- Ologies with Alie Ward featuring oceanologist Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
- You’re Wrong About with Sarah Marshall and Michael Hobbes
- The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill episode
- Acid Rain episode
- Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson’s new podcast How to Save a Planet, including episodes such as:
Learning Resources, Digital Tools, and Online Exhibitions


Children’s Books
- Rebel girls : climate warriors : 25 tales of women who protect the Earth by Abby Sher, Nana Brew-Hammond, Sam Guss, Sarah Parvis, and Susanna Daniel
- Jobs of the future : imaginative careers for forward-thinking kids by Sofia E. Rossi & Carlo Canepa
- Green technology created by Basher ; written by Tom Jackson
- The tantrum that saved the world by Megan Herbert and Michael E. Mann
- Saving earth : climate change and the fight for our future by Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich ; pictures by Tim Foley
- A good place by Lucy Cousins.
- A kid’s guide to saving the planet : it’s not hopeless and we’re not helpless by Paul Douglas
- We are better together by Bill McKibben ; illustrations by Stevie Lewis.
- Eco-crafts : 40 fun earth-friendly projects by Marcy Morin and Heidi E. Thompson.
- We have a dream : meet 30 young indigenous people and people of color protecting the planet by Mya-Rose Craig, Sabrena Khadija
- The global ocean Written by Rochelle Strauss ; illustrated by Natasha Donovan
- Our planet! : there’s no place like Earth by Earth (with Stacy McAnulty)
- One plastic bag : Isatou Ceesay and the recycling women of the Gambia by Miranda Paul
Adult Books
- This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. Climate Change and On Fire: The Burning Case For A Green New Deal by Naomi Klein
- Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer
- Inconspicuous consumption : the environmental impact you don’t know you have by Tatiana Schlossberg.
- The uninhabitable earth : life after warming by David Wallace-Wells.
- The best American science and nature writing 2021, edited by Ed Yong.
- Half-Earth: Our Planets Fight for Life by E.O. Wilson
- The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History and Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future by Elizabeth Kolbert
- A Terrible Thing To Waste: Environmental Racism and Its Assault On The American Mind by Harriet Washington
- Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out? by Bill McKibben
- Losing Earth: A Recent History by Nathaniel Rich
- The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson
- The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin